21-25 September 2015

Brest, France

(Centre de la Mer de l'Aber-Wrac'h, Landéda)


The conference aims to develop a transdisciplinary approach (including chemistry, biogeochemistry, biochemistry, physiology, genomics) to better understand and model silicification and silicifiers. A thematic that is at the interface between the Networks of Exellence EUR-OCEANS and Marine Genomics Europe that are now under umbrella of the EuroMarine Consortium.

Silicifiers are among the most important living organisms of planet Earth. They are able to take advantage of the abundance of silicon (the second-most-abundant element in the Earth's crust) to build silicified architectures, that can help for protect against predators, be used for motility, or facilitating the penetration of light and nutrients to the cells.

This conference is endorsed by Labex-Mer, EuroMarine, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, University of Western Brittany, and Local Authorities.

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